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Plusieurs paires de chaussons roses sur un plaid crème avec des décorations de Noël, des pommes de pin et des lumières de fées.

Women's slippers

Gros plan des pieds avec des pantoufles à carreaux marron et des jeans bleus sur un sol en béton gris clair.

Men's slippers

Made in France

Gros plan des pieds dans des pantoufles roses confortables avec des lumières de fée en forme d'étoile sur un plaid.

Pink & Red Slippers

Leopard Slippers

Guest Slippers

Virgin Wool Bags

Femme en pull blanc avec une tasse de Noël et une couverture verte, assise sur un lit et portant des lunettes.

Comfortable blankets

The sole


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French woven wool

Delivery ≈ 2 days (home) ≈ 5 days (relay point)


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2 products


Pieds en pantoufles, les jambes croisées, devant un mur avec des fleurs. Bien-être et confort dans un cadre printanier.Une jeune femme souriante assise dans un canapé avec un gros ours en peluche. Elle porte un pull gris et des pantoufles roses.

Marcel Rose Chinée

Sale price€55,00
Gros plan des pieds d'une personne portant des pantoufles en laine rouge et un pantalon vert sur un sol gris.Femme élégante dans un intérieur, vêtue d'un châle et d'un pantalon, tenant un verre de vin. Des plantes et une œuvre d'art en arrière-plan.

Simone Rose Chinée

Sale price€45,00

Our collection of French woven wool slippers

You will find all our woven wool slippers on this page. We highlight this natural material because it is comfortable, it absorbs moisture and it has a natural elasticity which allows it to regain its shape after use. It is strong, resistant and resists odors thanks to its antimicrobial properties. We stock up throughout the year, so don't hesitate too long to order and treat your little feet.

Eco-designed indoor shoes above all!

Our project is inseparable from the environmental aspect. We want to be the benchmark for eco-responsible slippers, or as we like to say at home "organic". All our materials are natural (wool, linen, cotton, cork) or recycled (mattress foam). And our sourcing is done in short circuits (Italy, Portugal, France).

Unparalleled comfort

And it is by putting ecology at the center of our project that our slipper becomes so comfortable. If you are as cozy as we are, our slipper is made for you! It is soft, fluffy, pleasant and above all light. Your foot breathes and you sweat little (or not at all) inside.

Our Bags and our matching blankets

Caussün is growing at high speed and is adding new accessories for the home and outside to its collection. You will find three colors for our new small pea coat in recycled wool and organic cotton as well as five colors for our Marius plaid in 100% wool.

Caüssun is for everyone

All our models are aimed at both women and men, young and old, comfort lovers and fashionistas. You will find what you are looking for in our new collection of 48 models that will be released as the winter progresses.